Thursday, September 6, 2012

Friendship Quilt Blog Hop

When Diane first sent emails out about this blog hop, I was involved in another one and was a little tired. However I was instantly intrigued and wanted to find a way to swing it. I was really glad when she said it wouldn't start until September. This gave me time to actually think about it and get inspired. Her concept was super cool!! We used to give Friendship Bracelets out to our Besties and since we quilt now - Friendship Quilts.  You will want to head over to Diane's Blog to get more details on the hop and how you can also participate (some amazing prizes will be awarded) She has put together a great tutorial and she has some great inspiration for you guys. 

I am really excited to see what everyone comes up with!! I went and checked out Whitney over at The Peacock Tree yesterday and she made a really cool pillow. If you haven't stopped by be sure to check it out. The first thing I did was look around for some inspiration. I came across this photo thanks to my pal Google.

I was drawn to the one in the middle and got out the ol' graph paper. This was the first time I've used graph paper. I was pretty excited that I made a pattern all by myself :) Not that long ago I didn't think that was possible, but I did it!! I'm not that great at math (getting better) so this part was interesting. Trying to figure out how big each piece needed to be. 

Had a couple of color ways and figuring out the actual blocks. 

I decided to go with the original color way. Remember the giveaway I won - the colors from that matched perfectly. They were made for this. Thanks again Jenelle!!
Here is the final mini - haha if you can call it that. This sucker is a long piece of wall art :) It's really skinny though. 

Here's my outside picture haha - We water twice a week and look how crappy our grass still looks. It looks like it has the mange :)

I was really nervous about trying my hand at some free motion. After many failed attempts and lots of ripping I finally did some I was proud of. 

So it's a Friendship Quilt - Now I have made some fantastic friends this year - Lord only knows how I have needed some good friends lately. He is never early and He is never late - He is always on time! So thanks again God for answering my prayers. This friend and I have become very close in just a short time. We are very different, but get along really well. It feels like we've been friends forever. She has no idea that she's getting this which is funny to me because she has seen it and said she loved it. I hope she wasn't lying!! That would suck :) So Julie will you except my Friendship Quilt? Thanks guys for hanging around. Here is a list of the upcoming bloggers. Be sure to give them all love and make some Friendship Quilts of your own - you may just win a prize!


3: Friendship Quilts Kick Off! at from blank pages...


4: Diane of from blank pages..., me again, I'll share my project and 

a tutorial first 

5: Whitney of The Peacock Tree

6: January T of Sew Sew Go

7: Melinda of Quirky Granola Girl

10: Courtney of Mon Petit Lyons

11: Jill of Made with Moxie

12: Danielle of Fresh off the Spool

13: Kelsey of Kelsey Sews

14: Kristy of Quiet Play

17: Marika of Live, Laugh, Love... Sew

18: Karen of Sri H. Designs



to miss this one!)

25: Secret

26: Secret

27: Secret

28: Link up closes for projects

30: Suprise Linky closes 

October 1st: at from blank pages...  Judges Picks announced, 

Random drawing for the rest of the prizes 

The Fabulous Sponsors!!!! is also offering one Gift Card, of unknown value. 
I have a feeling someone is going to be very lucky!

The Fat Quarter Shop is giving away 1 layer cake, and 2 charm packs
to three lucky winners. The fabric lines will be announced towards the end of the month.

Pink Chalk Fabrics is giving away five $20 Gift Cards
to five lucky winners!

Fresh Squeezed Fabrics
Randi has offered one $25 Gift Card to her shop.

Sew Fresh Fabrics is giving away one $40 Gift Card! 
Wahoo!! ;)

Amanda is offering one Amy Butler Lark
layer cake or jelly roll. (winner picks their preference)

Are you guys in or what? This is going to be super cool and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Good luck :)



  1. Gorgeous mini January, and how nice to pass it on too!

  2. I LOVE this! When I first saw your first picture I was like "WOW!" It's great! You did a great job designing too! I love using graph paper. :) Love your colors and your quilting. Julie is super lucky!

  3. This is just amazing, January! I love it...I do think I will have to copy it soon!

  4. awwwwh, YES!! I have always loved how bright and cheery it is so I will absolutely accept it - Can I pick it up tonight? lol! I'm touched and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  5. Awesome Mini! Love your pattern and the colors are punching out your designs. Thanks for sharing. Judith, Texas

  6. Beautiful, bright , and cheery! I think it looks cool skinny. Besides, we all have a funky skinny wall(like next to a door) that we have no idea how to decorate;)

  7. Very cool "mini" quilt! This would look great over a door frame or a window.

  8. Your mini looks fantastic January!! Well done you for designing it all yourself - you did such an amazing job. The colours are awesome!

  9. You made a beautiful project. Your quilting turned out great.

  10. Such a bold quilt! It inspires me.
