Saturday, July 21, 2012

Long over due post!

I finished the Chariot Quilt the first week in July and I'm just getting around to posting about it. I have been working on so many projects that blogging has taken a back seat. I have lots to talk about though :) So I decided to carry the quilting out to the boarders and really love how it turned out. 

 Belly looks so tiny in this picture. She's becoming my quilting buddy and hangs out with me whenever I'm at my machine.

 So this was probably the most annoying thing about quilting large diamonds. I'm sewing alone everything is looking good and then swerve....what the heck just happened!! Then I take a look - huh do you think it's that noticeable? haha 

I'm still pretty new to quilting and really haven't figured out the tricks of picking up where you left off. So I had to rip out the whole diamond I was working on and start again. GRRRR 

 What is this? Do you see the needle and the loop behind it? Why?  I just used the back of my ripper and pulled each stick up to the needle. Thank goodness that worked. 

So I thought that was the worst until I finished quilting the whole thing and then flipped it over to see the back. ;( Seriously? Live and learn. I had done enough ripping and had enough. Hopefully the wash will take care of that. 

The binding went on fine phew and I finished it up with a fun label. 

I really enjoyed doing the HST and want to make another one for sure. Maybe I'll use my Christmas Charms and do one for us.   

Packed up and delivered. I love giving stuff away that I made, but it's a little like giving up a child hahah. Just kidding :)
I hope you guys are having a lovely weekend.
January T


  1. This is beautiful! The quilting really helps emphasis the diamond shape. :)

    P.S. If you ever find yourself needing to take out stitches in the middle of a row, you could try knotting and burying your threads. Leah Day has a great video showing how to do this here:

  2. Congrats on the finish... It is gorgeous!

  3. Beautiful January! The person that gets this quilt is very lucky!

  4. Well first, congratulations on finishing! Sometimes we own the quilt and sometimes the quilt wants to show us who is boss. It happens. I find the best thing to do is walk away for a bit, then come back after I feel less angry at the machine/ quilt/ thread.

  5. gorgeous jan - you've done a fabulous job - love that french general

  6. beautiful finish!, well done. :)

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