Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Now for the fun!!

I would have posted this yesterday like I intended, but I had a horrible migraine all day :( 
Today has been a much better day!! 
This month's giveaway is three Fat Quarters of Lucy's Crab Shack.

I really love the dots!! 
To enter just leave a comment about your fabric stash. What's your favorite color or what your lacking. I am in need of yellows and yellow oranges. I really need to add some to my stash. The giveaway will end on Saturday the 7th and I will randomly choose a winner on Sunday the 8th using Random.org. I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer and good luck!


  1. I love Lucy's Crab Shack!!! My stash is seriously lacking yellows and browns - not my favorites :-)

  2. Oh fun! Thank you for this giveaway! I am lacking blues and purples! I love the dots those are adorable! I get migraines too and they are awful. I hope you are feeling better today!

  3. I've just reorganized my stash, and I'm pretty pleased. About the only thing I need is some more stripes. Thanks for the give away.

  4. I am really lacking in oranges. Which is terrible because I love that colour. I love Lucy's Crab Shack too. Thanks for a nice giveaway.

  5. I'm lacking of purple and greens.. I have lots of pink and red. I think I wanna make few pink quilts soon..
    Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  6. I'm lacking blues and reds in my stash (which really surprises me!)

  7. migraines stink!
    my stash lacks reds. thanks for the chance to win giveaway.

  8. I wish I had a stash! Thanks for the giveaway, cute fabrics!

  9. I love Lucy's Crab Shack !! My stash has way too much red/deep orange, burgundy...I need beiges, ecrus and off whites.
    I enjoy your posts AND of course the Giveaways too :)

  10. I'm lacking in reds, purples and whites. I have enough yellow, blue and green to last a lifetime.

    Glad you are feeling better!

  11. I need some real blues and yellows and neutrals in my stash. These would be a great addition.

  12. I definitely have the most greens, and could use some really good reds. And whites. Hint hint. j/k. I do love this line though! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  13. oh man I adore Lucy's Crab shack! I have a pretty diverse stash. A little heavy on the lime green right now... LOL could use more gray

  14. I seem to have a little bit of everything, so I need a unifying neutral color such as gray, so I can mash up some funky modern quilts. A color set I love is the teal blue range from Jinny Beyer Studios. Thanks for the contest--great idea!

  15. Glad you are over your migraine! I can't say as my stash is lacking anything, except time to sew it into something. lol. Thanks for the giveaway

  16. my stash is severely lacking. I have maybe a foot tall stack of various colors I got from some family members. I could use any of it! I love the dots too.

  17. I love dots! And the bikes are fabulous! My stash is mostly patterns, I am lacking in solids and tone-on-tone prints.

  18. My very favorite color in the world is purple. Which is weird, because I'm always lacking purple in my fabric stash.

  19. Love these fabrics! My stash is a lot less than it used to be, I've been on a fabric diet recently. Thanks for the chance to win some of the lovely Lucy's Crab Shack.

  20. I have more colours than I think, and stand alone fat quarters keep following me home!

    However, I need more neutrals - especially white since I love how it looks in other people's quilts.


  21. Thanks so much for the chance!!!

    Well, I had an opportunity to go through my stash today to finish up a bed runner and found that I seem to collect a lot of red...and black and white!

    Its funny, I would have guessed brown or purple but I seem to gravitate to crisp blacks and whites.

    I love these Lucy's Crab Shack fabrics. Would you believe I do not have any dots?

  22. i sorted through my stash yesterday to make room for the goodies the postie delivered, all the way from America, and I found that in my rainbow I have 2 gaps. Only 2 lilacs,no purples at all and no solids apart from the white and cream that I bulk buy for baby quilts. Alas I have none of Lucy's crab Shack for now, fingers crossed. Pam

  23. I really need to beef up the neutral solids in my stash, they are so useful. Hope you are feeling much better today.

  24. well a more hmm advanced quilter wouldn't call my fabric a stash - I need all the colours, except blue solids ...
    Thanks for the chance!

  25. My stash is still quite small as I only started sewing last year (although unless I actually go out and buy a sewing machine, it's still about 5 years' supply at my current speed of hand sewing!) so is missing quite a lot. I tend to buy large multicoloured prints, which means I'm lacking in solids, stripes, dots and neutrals at the moment. Thanks for a great giveaway - hope I'm ok to enter from the UK.

  26. Wow pretty fabrics! I am definitely missing pinks and purples, probably because I love them so much they never stay around for long! x

  27. My favorite color is yellow, but I have more red, blue and green in my stash. The colors that are sparsest are orange and grey, but that is beginning to change.

  28. Oh - those are gorgeous. I'm lacking B&W's like those bicycles and I love dots. Can never have enough.

  29. well looking at those fabrics I think I need some polka dots !! lol x not sure that my stash NEEDS adding to ... BUT I WANT to add to it ! x

  30. I am lacking pastels. Apparently they don't appeal to me. I am drowning in darks. Thanks for the chance to win these fun fabrics.

  31. My stash is small, I need solids to round it out :)
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I'm low on solids and black & white prints - always seem to have oodles of greens, but then it is my favourite colour so I guess I'm drawn to it. Thanks for great giveaway x

  33. This line has grown on me! I'm really needing some yellow...among other things!

  34. I feel like I just have random bunches of fabric! Mostly pinks!

  35. My stash has tons of green due to some FQ wins at my quild and the quild's quilt show. What I need more of is blue! Love this fabric. I have a few FQ's of this line, but am missing these 3 styles!

  36. Cute prints! What I'm lacking are lights, especially whites. I have more blue than anything else - love blue. Lovely giveaway!

  37. Wow, super cute! I have quite a stash, but most are plain fabrics, not cute prints ... Lovely give away, thanks!

  38. I really need basics. I just ordered a Kona card, and I can't wait for it to come. Thank you for the giveaway!

  39. My stash is lacking in good old black and white. Sorry about the migraine - they're miserable. Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  40. I have lots of greens in my stash. Other colors have fairly equal representation, except gray - very little of gray. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. I always need purples. Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. I can't get enough greys. Thanks for the chance.

  43. love these FQs! thanks for the giveaway! I'm lacking plaid, which is very sad because I do love it so :)

  44. I have NO stash! I've just started thinking about compiling a stash this week and those ^ would be a lovely addition.

  45. So cute! My stash is slowly growing but I need boyish colors. Since I have a girl, I tend to buy girlie colors so when a friend asked me to make a blanket for her son, I was like hmmmmm, ok time to go shopping. lol

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  46. I need more neutrals. I've gotten a good start on building a stash of geometric prints.

  47. I need more of pretty much everything - just getting started building up a stash of my own!

  48. I need more basic colors -- it's something I'm working on! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

  49. I have a lot of the basic neutrals but I'm working on trying to incorporate more colour. I'd love to have more aquas and greens in my stash. Thanks for the chance!

  50. I just saw in the flesh these fabrics at my LQS and yum! I love the numbers and the small dots especially!! I am definitely lacking tone on tone fabrics and real blenders. I don't havr too much yellow, orange or pink either. Fabulous giveaway :)

  51. Today our visiting niece told us she is crazy about purple. Shortly thereafter I discovered my stash is low on purple, lilac, lavender, etc. Time for a trip to my LQS.

  52. I'm so glad you're feeling better, my best friend in high school suffered from migraines far too often :( I too love the dots a lot! My fabric stash seems short of enough varieties of green and yellow, even though I feel I have a lot - maybe it's that I have too much of colors I don't love (light blue and red are crowding out the ones I like best!)

  53. My fabric stash is very eclectic, but does favour quite alot of blues! Really like the bicycle fabric as a keen cyclist. Have a better day today and thanks.

  54. My fabric stash is still very small. I'm lacking on large pieces of flesh tone (most of my stash is fat quarters). I'm hoping to get some natural linen to fill in the gap.

  55. Hi, January. My newly acquired stash has very little pink and purple. I just don't gravitate to these colors.

  56. I'm lacking purples and oranges. I'm also low on browns, tans, creams, and other earth tones I tend not to gravitate towards them, but I'm feeling like I should challenge myself soon.

  57. I LOVE Lucy Crab shack, Thats what My stash is lacking, My Quilt is beach theme, I need Aqua and white solids too

  58. I love these prints - the bicycle print is so cute! I need to buy more solids to mix in with my prints, and I'm definitely short on yellow and orange... I could use a bit more red, too.

  59. Migraines are no fun at all! Glad you are feeling better! I am in the middle of sorting my fabric, I know I need white plain old white and probably solid black too.I love these FQ's thanks for the chance to win- hey the numbers count as white! :)

  60. My stash is such a mess. I don't have a great place to store it so every time I am looking for a certain fabric everything ends up in a jumbled mess on the floor. Sigh.

  61. Glad you are feeling better today!

    I always enjoy reading about other people's stashes.

    I have lots of red and blue in my stash. I have a lot of green, but I can never find the right shade. I have built up my orange and turquoise collection but I am sadly lacking in yellow and purple. I collected a lot of black and white fabrics when I thought all I ever needed was a regular quarter yard so I have a great variety but little of any given type.
