Friday, October 21, 2011

The love of making bags

 I love making bags... they are so fun and some can be sewn in just a few hours.  I love being able to sit down and finish a project in a day, especially if you've been working on a project for a long time.  I was watching Martha Stewart (she needs more segments on sewing by the way) and they made this cute little reversible bag that was so easy!!  I love how creative the people that work with her are.  I had to draft the pattern from my iPad because our printer was down.  So it ended up being a lot bigger then the one on her show, but I love it. 

I made two tiny ones for my sweet little second cousins' birthdays.  I think they are so cute!  They were horrible to sew around the short little arm.  I wondered what I was thinking at one point, but I got them done.  Yay me!!